Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Team Cycle Loft, Apeldoorn 6 -- Night Six -- The Finale

The Six Day is over.

The final of the night finished strongly and it came down to the last sprint between the two big Dutch teams of Van Bon and Stam. Van Bon took the final and solidified his win in the very first Six Day of Apeldoorn. Fantastic for him as he grew up here as a youngster racing the old outdoor track. He was with German Robert bartko and Pim Ligtarht, who gets his first Six Day win of his career.

As for our boys, we rode well on the whole tonight, but started out slow. The Points race was not ours tonight, and an early break went, that stole most of the points, and come the finale, there really wasn't any point in contesting it.

Eric Barlevav out did himself to go under 14 seconds in the Flying Lap. Another improvement here. He is feeling better (Bronchial wise) and has minimal track burn left.

The first Madison was good, and we didn't lose a lap at all. Jackie is still riding well, and Eric's exchanges are 100% better than they were. Jos Pronk, a seasoned Six Day rider, spent some time with him this evening during warm-up refining his technique. Daniele is doing well after the big crash. Healing up well and riding like he has not been phased. Great sportsmanship from him, and a pleasure to work with.

The Elimination was good and Eric rode at the back puting on a show and playing the Devil. He has done this twice before, and came close to being in the top 6. Tonight, the long race took it's toll and he was out 1 place before the final six.

The last 200 lap Madison was brutal, with Kiesse's team riding hard and the two Dutch teams driving the pace. The best crowd by far tonight was all cheers for Van Bon. The average RPM's were near 130 for the entire race. Great stuff. We managed to only lose 1 lap in 200, for our best ride yet, and afterwards a few guys came up to say good improvements.

While others ate and drove home, we sat in the middle of the velo packing bikes and tidying up. It is late and we haven't eaten. But we will be leaving for the airport in 4 hrs. Then the 7 hr flight back home. I am shot, and the riders are fried. It has been an interesting trip.

So we finish in last place where we started. But to be honest...it's expected. Just to finish your first Winter Six, when we didn't even know we were coming until 7 days before hand...it's a good thing. Not many Americans ride Sixes.

Thanks for following.

Look for a big wrap up later on the blog.