Saturday, October 24, 2009

Custom Speedplay Pedals

Cycle Loft now has in its hands Speedplay's latest customization tool. In the cool little metal box are 5 sets of Z-pedals, each with different length spindles--Ti standard (the shortest), Stainless Steel standard (a bit longer), and then 3 more SS models with incrementally longer pedal spindles--giving an additional 1/8th, 1/4, and 1/2 inch of width from the crank? Why? Custom positioning based on pedal style and physical makeup--ever see those rub marks on a rider's crank arm? The solution? Well, there's never been a great one until now. Also in the Kit are stack plates for leg length discrepancies, varus and valgus canting wedges, stainless steel wear protector plates, snap shims, fore/aft adapter plates...and all the length of bolts one would need to customize one's Speedplay pedals. Also of interest, is the latest data regarding the aerodynamic benefits of Speedplay pedals vs. other leading pedals.

One more item of interest regarding Speedplay pedals was featured at September's Interbike Trade Show in Las Vegas, NV. See here for a look at the future of power meters--it's pretty slick. "MetriGear debuts promising new Vector power meter." For the time being, not a whole lot of info on the when the product will be available--right now all one can do is sign-up for a newsletter--file under "unobtanium" for the time being.

*Jeff P