Monday, November 2, 2009

Indoor Training & eMotion Rollers

Two early[ish] morning reminders: #1: Cycle Loft's Indoor Training Program begins today--first sessions for M/W athletes, and then tomorrow, the first session for T/Th athletes. Kurt "Chopper" Begemann is set to go--hope you are too--it's going to be even better than last year's program. Class starts at 6pm sharp, so be sure to turn up early to snag your place and get ready to go! We've got one spot open in the T/Th class if you still want to join!

*Note, there is still plenty of space available for the Saturday class. You can "drop in" by reserving your spot by the end of Friday by calling the shop. 781-272-0870 x4

#2 With the reality of Fall and Winter approaching, and for the many, the indoor cycling season, we would really encourage those looking to take their indoor season and preparation to another level, to consider using rollers--especially the eMotion Roller system from Inside Ride. Look here for a FAQ from Larry & Joanne, the inventor's of the eMotion Roller. There is quite simply NOTHING else like it. Get the best of both worlds--all the resistance of a trainer, with all the benefits of riding rollers--namely smoothing out your spin, and keeping your entire body [and mind] focused and engaged on actually RIDING!. We've got a set for demo in the shop. Don't hesitate, take advantage of the new seasons to re-commit yourself to your training and preparation for next Spring. You can also read our comparo of trainer vs. rollers here.

#3 In conjunction with our Indoor Training Program, please be aware that the Cycle Loft is also offering professional cycling coaching, provided by Kurt Begemann. We have several different programs, and one of the best value adds of working with the Cycle Loft's in-house Coach is that you get to actually ride with your Coach. Unlike all of the "other" long-distance coaching programs in vogue today, your cycling will improve simply by riding with someone that's been there and done that--he will make "on the bike" suggestions that can flatten out the learning curve of cycling--whether you're training for the PMC, Harpoon B2b, or racing--I can tell you from personal experience, that there's nothing quite like learning the "secrets" of cycling to flatten out the curve.

*Jeff P